Friday, 2 August 2013

Self-portrait : Our first class!

So for our very first class this semester, instead of being given homework, we had a little class activity.

Ms. Lisa told us it was to be a self-portrait made from anything & gave us an hour and a half to explore around campus for inspiration and raw materials..

Personally, I don't find myself similar to leaves or flowers so therefore, tried but failed with flora as the main subject in my "portrait".

I started thinking about how I can't be defined in just one word & remembered the many sides of a hanging mobile when blown in the wind. And so, with that I had my inspiration to make something of a similar nature.. Showing off the different sides to me and my interests.

Example of an origami mobile, when turning shows its different sides

Main inspiration for my self-portrait

In my self-portrait, I included my love for sun & sea, my hopes & dreams, along with traits of myself.

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